OOD Race Management Guidelines

The rota for race officers is listed in the club Sailing Programme. Anyone unable to carry out their allocated duty should endeavour to swap to another date using the Dutyman app. If a swap is not possible, please contact the club captain to ensure arrangements can be put in place before the actual race day.

We recognise that volunteering to manage our racing can seem complicated, especially when most people only get to do it once a season. For that reason, we have documented the process to make it as easy as possible for the volunteers and for the races to be enjoyable and consistent for the participants. Organising the racing can be very rewarding and we would encourage those who do enjoy it to take on additional duties where they can. Please contact the club captain if you would like to get more involved in race management or to provide feedback on where the race management guidelines can be improved.

Officers Of the Day (OODs) and Assistant Officers of the Day (AODs) should familiarise themselves with the following documents before their duties. Hard copy versions are available in the Crow’s Nest.

It is hoped that Race Officers and Safety Boat Leads will never need the following document, but OODs should make sure they are aware of the content and can locate the hard copy stored in the Crow’s Nest before racing starts: