Club Boat Hire

The club’s insurance policy states that club boats can only be booked for club organised sailing events where there is safety boat cover.

Single handed
Multi-handed – Argo
Multi-handed – others

There is no charge for cadets. Please contact the Boat Booking Admin to make a booking.


  1. Choose the boat you wish to hire from the drop down list
  2. Click the date you wish to book
  3. Fill out the form (all fields are required)
  4. Click Next…
  5. Click the PayPal button
  6. Complete your payment

You will receive email confirmation of your booking once payment has been received via PayPal. If payment is not received within 12 hours, your booking will be cancelled and you’ll receive email to inform you of this.

A link is included in the email to manage your booking.

Please check your spam/junk folder for emails from the booking system before contacting the Boat Booking administrator.


Boat hire procedures and prices have changed.

To support our young sailors the committee has decided to let cadets use club boats at most events without charge, except for the annual regatta.

Charges for adults have increased to fund the large amount of maintenance work put in by the winter working party and because now we have three Argos.  Most adult sailors will find that using a club boat is still cheaper than paying the fee for a dinghy park space and maintaining their own boat.  Don’t forget that  substantial discounts are available if you use a boat for a whole series.

We have been reviewing the procedures for sailing events and produced these clarifications and updates.  The Instructions and Handbook documents will be updated to reflect these.

  • A reminder – all sailors at club events must follow instructions from Safety Boats
  • Club boats are only available for use at Club events when safety boat cover is provided.
  • For races, club hire boats are available only to take part in racing.
  • For flotillas, club hire boats are available only to take part in the flotilla.
  • If you retire before the end of the race, please signal for a Safety Boat to come over to you so that they are aware and make any necessary arrangements.
  • If a race starts down river, please can the last to leave close both clubhouse and ramp gates for security.

You can find detailed information for rigging the boats in the following documents.  No need to memorise it all – nearly everything is kept rigged during the season.