Working Party
The working party is a group of 20+ volunteers, under the leadership of the Property Managers, that does the important work of ensuring that the club’s many facilities and structures are kept in good working order against the ravages of an unforgiving waterside location.

The work is varied, there is always ground clearance to do, cleaning and painting in and around the clubhouse. The pontoons , ramp and slipway regularly need attention. No special skills are needed- just a willingness to do anything needed.
The club boats, which include, our many dinghies, safety boats and club tenders, are also a large part of the Working Party maintenance responsibilities.
Members are also involved with designing and implementing new or improved facilities, for example work on a new veranda awning, new canoe rack, improved shed storage and paving the areas around the dinghy park water standpipe and dinghy wash-down areas are all currently active or recently completed
Most of the work is carried out during the non-sailing months, on Tuesday mornings but, increasingly, many jobs need to be done at other times and during the sailing season. The volunteers’ efforts, which are greatly appreciated, save the club a lot of money that would otherwise need to be spent by employing contractors. But Tuesday mornings are not drudgery. Working together is fun and allows for a lot of social interaction and, of course, the pleasures of the much-appreciated coffee breaks thanks to Judy, and Jeanne , and monthly lunches provided by the galley team thanks to Di and Christine and others.
Our Annual Barbecue – 2023

Every June, the work party volunteers hold a barbecue laid on by the club. Here they are with their partners all crammed onto the Veranda and under our new Awning built by ourselves.